Project Title:
PREVENT-PROJECT – Integrated System to Prevent Propagation of Hospital Acquired Infections (UEFISCDI contract number 24PTE din 01/06/2020)
Project coordinator:
Project manager:
Arthur Molnar
Total Budget Project:
1.707.848,00 RON/
Public Budget : 1.184.000,00 RON
Project implementation duration:
24 months
Financed by
UEFISCDI – Transfer la operatorul economic (PTE) – Cod depunere: PN-III-P2-2.1-PTE-2019-0769

The project aims to prevent and help lower the number of hospital acquired infections through the use of the latest computer, computer science and Internet of Things technologies. PREVENT is a Romanian research project that is implemented in collaboration between SC Info World SRL, Politehnica University of Bucharest, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași and the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Bucharest. The project was started in June, 2020 and has a 24 month implementation period.
An integrated software system was developed within the project. The system communicates with a number of hardware devices that are installed within the clinical unit and which detect motion and the activities of the persons within the hospital environment, both personnel as well as patients. These devices communicate with each other and send data to the software server.
The software server’s aim is to determine whether the behaviour of the clinical personnel or patients represents an infection risk. If affirmative, the system generates an alert that is sent to the responsible persons in real time. This behaviour is automated and configurable by creating rules that describe how the staff – patient interaction is expected to take place, as well as the protocol for disinfection and cleaning processes.
In addition, the risk of spreading hospital infections can be simulted using a specialized software component. An advanced analysis component allows epidemiologists to evaluate the impact that different preventive measures have on this risk, in order to help epidemiologists discover the most effective ways for reducing risk.
The PREVENT project was imagined as the natural follow-up of the HAI-OPS ( system, through which initial research regarding the feasability of preventing singular cases and outbreaks of hospital acquired infection through the use of technology were carried out.
A number of wireless, sensor-equipped devices were developed as part of HAI-OPS with the purpose of monitoring the presence and actions of medical staff and patients within the clinical environment.
Our current technological level is built on the competences gained by implementing the precursor project, together with the equipment and methodologies that were devised.
PREVENT aims for the development of an advanced cyber-physical system for preventing singular cases of hospital acquired infection, together with limiting the spread and impact of infection outbreaks through the usage of advanced visualizations and reports that ease the work of the epidemiological team in identifying patient zero together with infection pathways. The PREVENT cyber-physical system will comprise a wireless sensor network capable of monitoring the clinical environment in real time, the presence of people at room level together with their actions.
The project targets the most common infection pathways, which are known from existing literature. The system’s software side will consist of a number of modules that can be deployed locally or in-cloud, together with a structured communication protocol between the wireless network and the software server.
The system will include a number of hardware devices capable of covering several clinical scenarios known to play an important role in acquiring hospital infections.